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- AmTank
- ~~~~~~
- by
- ~~
- Rubber Duck Software
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Version 1.10 (Shareware)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Unregistered
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Table Of Contents
- =================
- 1. Getting Started
- ---------------
- 1.1 Story
- 1.2 Requirements
- 1.3 Installation & Loading
- 2. Controlling and playing the game
- --------------------------------
- 2.1 Options Screen
- 2.2 Main Game
- 2.3 Scores Screen
- 3. Registering
- -----------
- 3.1 Benefits of registering
- 3.2 How to register
- 3.3 Registration Form
- 4. Coming Soon
- -----------
- 4.1 Enhanced PC Version
- 4.2 Other RDS releases
- 5. Changes To Latest Version
- -------------------------
- 5.1 v1.02
- 5.2 v1.10
- [1] Getting Started
- ===================
- (1.1) Story
- -----------
- It's always the same isn't it! There you are minding your own business,
- just enjoying a peaceful drive through the country in ya' little tank, and
- suddenly you come across another tank. You tense your muscles prepared for
- anything but ever conscious that this could end in annhilation. Your tanks
- pass...it's going to be okay. Then, a distant voice can be heard from
- inside the other tank, "Call that a tank ya' rectum faced pigmy!!!"
- That's more than you are prepared to take. You move to a good firing
- position, take aim and...Game On!
- How many times have we heard that story?
- Or at least...that's one way it might have started. The other (perhaps
- more likely) explanation is...
- There you were in the pub, minding your own business when you feel a jolt
- from behind and suddenly the contents of your glass have made an unscheduled
- excursion to the South. Not only that, but your favourite top has now got
- the most blatant stain on it! You turn around and search for the fiend you
- commited this most vicious of acts. You're not sure...it was either that one
- or that one.
- You approach the first. "Did you spill my pint?"
- Next thing you know, you're in your favourite Sherman tank out in the
- lovely Staffordshire countryside and it's time to remove this scum from the
- face of the Earth.
- I present, Am Tank.
- (1.2) Requirements
- ------------------
- To run AmTank, you'll be excited to know, the minimum requirements are
- as follows:
- * Amiga 500 or better. (It may work on the A1000... Let me know!)
- * A mouse.
- That's it! Amazing huh? You may think "well it's probably not very good
- then"...well, wait and see.
- (1.3) Installation & Loading
- ----------------------------
- If you have a hard drive, I recommend that you run "HD-Install". This is
- simply because I would like to think that AmTank is good enough for you to
- consider keeping on your hard drive. NO, no, sorry, that's not it! It's
- because it loads faster...that's why!
- Please note: The HD-Install Program will ONLY work if you have first
- booted from your Hard Drive. Do not try to run the program if you have
- booted from the AmTank disk.
- Please contact me if you have any problems.
- If you do run the HD-Install program, everything will be copied to the
- directory of your choice and setup automatically.
- If you don't have a hard drive, you can run AmTank from THIS VERY DISK.
- Do, however, close off any applications that might be running (unless you
- have vast amounts of chip ram.) Then just go right ahead and double click
- that (fantastic) icon.
- [2] Controlling and playing the game
- ====================================
- (2.1) Options screen
- --------------------
- After a short time you will be presented with the imaginitely titled
- Options Screen. Here, you can (guess what) change a few options. So it's
- not just a clever name.
- The buttons:
- PLAYER1 - This holds the name of Player One. To change it simply click
- inside and type in the new name. You are limited to eight
- characters (sorry.)
- Important: When you have typed the name you must either press
- return or click the mouse before you can continue selecting.
- PLAYER2 - Exactly the same as the above but for Player Two.
- MOUNTAIN HEIGHT - If you click in here, the words will be replaced by a
- solid red bar. This can then be dragged from left to
- right whilst the value to the left varies from 1 to 99.
- Once you are happy with the value, simply click the
- mouse button again.
- Important: This value only alters the MAXIMUM possible
- height that the landscape can reach. Since it is random,
- it is possible to select a vlue of 99 and still have a
- relatively flat landscape. (Uncommon though!)
- AIR RESISTANCE - Clicking in here will invert the state from OFF to ON and
- vice versa. With Air Resistance Off (The Default), the
- shot will behave as a projectile in a perfect vacuum at
- the surface of the Earth. If it is on, then the shot will
- be SERIOUSLY affected by air resistance at approximately
- twice that of real life. Why? Simple, it's more fun.
- SOUND EFFECTS - Again, this is a two state option. If those booms, bangs
- and other twiddly bits are just a little too annoying
- then switch them off here.
- BATTLE - If you are happy with the above options, click here...and prepare
- for battle.
- QUIT - If you have had too much fun for one session, or you loaded AmTank
- by mistake (HOW?) or you just want to try it out, click here and
- you will be asked to confirm if you want to quit.
- AM-TANK - These words (at the bottom of the screen) are a doorway to a
- land of discovery. Can you discover the secret mouse key
- combination that will allow you to enter the credits?
- (Blatant sarcasm.)
- (2.2) Main Game
- ---------------
- When you have selected 'Battle' from the options screen, after a short
- wait, the game begins. To control the game you simply use that rodent which
- is sitting next to your Amiga. You can only interact with the proceedings
- when the control panel is on screen.
- <- POWER - "Decrease Power" Click here with the left mouse button to reduce
- the power value of your shot by one. If you use the right mouse
- button it will go down by 5. The minimum value is 10.
- -> POWER - "Increase Power" Click here with the left mouse button to
- increase the power value by one. The right mouse button will
- increase the value by 5. The maximum value is 250.
- <- ANGLE - "Decrease Angle" Click here with the left mouse button to reduce
- the angle of your turret by one. As before the right mouse
- button will reduce the angle by 5 degrees. The minimum value is
- zero.
- -> ANGLE - "Increase Angle" Click here with the left mouse button to
- increase the angle of your turret by one or with the right mouse
- button for a step of 5 degrees. The maximum value is 90 degrees.
- VIEW - There are 4 arrowed buttons around the word View. These scroll the
- main screen in the appropriate direction. This allows you to locate
- your enemy and consider the path of your shot.
- FIRE - When you are happy with your choice of Power and Angle, click here
- to send a message on its way to your enemy.
- MOVE TANK - Here there are 2 buttons which allow you to move your tank left
- or right. You are however limited to the immediate area around
- the tank. You can however squash some of the land around you.
- PLAYER - The current player's name resides here.
- ESCAPE - No, there is no button labelled Escape. However, if you press the
- Escape key (while the control panel is in view) you will be
- returned to the Options Screen.
- (2.3) Scores Screen
- -------------------
- When you have destroyed the enemy, or come to an unfortunate demise
- yourself, you will be presented with the Scores Screen. Here is a tally of
- the wins of both players. These scores will remain until either one or both
- of the names are changed or you quit out of the game.
- [Since version 1.10 of the game, there is now a helicopter in the battle
- arena. If you manage (by skill or by chance) to hit the chopper, you will
- be awarded a bonus point.]
- LEFT MOUSE BUTTON - Play again with exactly the same options.
- RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON - Return to the options screen.
- [3] Registering
- ===============
- (3.1) Benefits of registering
- -----------------------------
- Okay, so you got hold of a copy of this from somewhere, and you think it's
- a pretty nifty game. Well, at least pretend you do. I just know that you're
- sitting there saying to yourself "WOW...AM...TANK...IS...JUST...SO...GOOD...
- ARD...SMITH...WHO...IS...OB...VI...OUS...LY...A...GE...NI...US..."
- Go on, admit it you are really!
- Ahem. Anyway, if you register...here's the deal:
- You will receive:
- (1) A copy of the AMOS Pro source code for this version
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (2) A registered version of Am-Tank v1.00
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (3) A discount on 'AmTank+' as and when it's finished
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (4) A discount on the PC version of AmTank (See below)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- What's this??? AmTank+???? Yes indeedy. The next version of AmTank will
- hopefully boast AT LEAST the following:
- [1] Fully rendered intro and outro
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [2] Variable air resistance
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [3] Variable wind
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [4] More colours on screen
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [5] Different backgrounds
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- However, the most important thing is that the game will incorporate what
- YOU want. Therefore, if you do register you will have the option to suggest
- how the game could be improved further. I want your suggestions.
- Even if you don't want to register, I would be very grateful if you could
- report any bugs to me. My contact address is at the end of this document.
- (3.2) How to register
- ---------------------
- To register you must send £10 (that's ten pounds Sterling) to me along
- with a copy of the following form. You may either write out your answers on
- paper or print out the form. The form appears as a separate file on this
- disk.
- (3.3) Registration Form
- -----------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (Rubber Duck Software)
- Version 1.00
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Name:
- ~~~~~
- Date:
- ~~~~~
- Address:
- ~~~~~~~~
- email address:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Amiga: (e.g. 500, 500+, 600)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Chip Ram: (e.g. 512k, 1Meg)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Fast Ram: (e.g. 512k, 1Meg)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hard Drive?: (Yes/No)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Would you like to know more about other RDS releases? (Yes/No)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please note: The information about your machine is required so that the
- version of AM-Tank I send you is optimised for your system. For
- example, if you have a hard drive, you will get more graphics
- because loading times are no longer critical. If you have more
- Chip memory then similarly more sound and graphics can be used
- simultaneously (ooh.)
- My contact address:
- 7 Finnemore Close
- Styvechale Grange
- Coventry
- CV3 6LR
- or email me at:
- ma4rms@bath.ac.uk
- [4] Coming Soon
- ===============
- (4.1) Enhanced PC Version
- -------------------------
- As soon as this version of Am-Tank hits the streets, work will begin on
- the (as yet untitled) PC version of Am-Tank. Yes, that's right. The copyright
- has been sold to Dodgy Software.
- The PC version will be written in C and will incorporate all of the
- features of AM-Tank, AmTank+ and more.
- If you own or have access to a PC, then you will be entitled to a discount
- on the PC version when it becomes available.
- (4.2) Other RDS releases
- ------------------------
- Coming soon:
- [1] MAX - Cartoon animation
- [2] D.E.P (Working Title) - Disk Examination Program (A file manager)
- [3] A-Paint (Working Title) - Paint package written in AMOS Pro.
- If you would like to know more about these (and other) releases simply
- indicate so on your registration form.
- [5] Changes To Latest Version
- =============================
- (5.1) v1.02
- -----------
- Firstly, although there does exist a standard and proper method for how
- to calculate the version number...I don't know it. So, for the time being
- you will just have to accept my technique.
- v1.01 did exist for about 3 days. Then, I made some more changes which,
- well, quite frankly, were worthy of another increment. So, here's what's
- new in v1.02 from v1.01.
- * A lookup table was created for the exponential function call in the
- air resistance shot routine. (This was the main step from v1.00 to
- v1.01).
- * The complete automation of this ReadMe. Why? Well, when putting
- together a boot disk, it became annoyingly obvious that ppmore
- needed far too many libraries to operate. Therefore, I wrote this
- text viewer myself! (Not at all based on ppmore...honest!)
- * Obviously, the HD-Install program had to be updated to cope with these
- change. Now, the only file that must be present is mathtrans.lib in
- the SYS:Libs directory. However, I am considering making all the
- lookup tables into a binary file and then simply loading it in.
- Next time perhaps!
- * The removal of duplicate code. The fonts were being loaded in twice!
- (Ooops.)
- * A wait command was sitting pointlessly in the initial loading. Not any
- more!
- * Further optimizations were performed on the Fire routine making the
- scrolling smoother as less time is being spent on calculations.
- * All other changes are merely asthetic (spelling?) such as the palette
- for the loading text (Present, By, and Richard M Smith). As well as
- changes to the wait times.
- (5.2) v1.10
- -----------
- * The dependence on the existance of mathtrans.library has been removed
- by incorporating all lookup tables (sine, cosine, exponential) in the
- program itself. This is part of the attempt to make AmTank more of a
- stand-alone program.
- * The helicopter was added. (My father asked "So where's the helicopter?"
- "What helicopter?", I replied. "Well, you hear a helicopter in the
- title music don't you!". "Aha." I replied. Hence, there is now a very
- 'Cobra' like helicopter that flies from one end of the screen to the
- other. This is all handled under AMAL thankfully.
- * Helicopter sample. Exactly the same as the one in Cry Of War (.mod)
- just fo consistency.
- * Atmospheric sample. There is now a 'wind-type-thing' sample that plays
- in the background. This was to add a little atmosphere to the game.
- * Further optimisation in the FIRE routine. It is now down to one addition
- and one divison for the x_coordinate.
- * IFF pictures have been spacked to save space on the disk.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Richard M Smith (7/1/96)